Delivery anywhere you are. DoorDash offers the greatest online selection of your... Show more
On-demand, same-day delivery
Order in advance for convenience
Know when your order will arrive
Order as little or as much as you want
Safe delivery to your doorstep
If you have problems with DoorDash - Food Delivery, try one of the below solutions:
App crashes can be due to various issues, including software bugs or insufficient device memory. Here’s how to fix it:
Login issues can be caused by incorrect credentials or server problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Slow performance can result from heavy app usage or background processes. Here’s how to speed it up:
Notification issues can arise from misconfigured settings or connectivity problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Update issues can be due to bugs or incomplete installations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Connectivity issues can be due to network problems or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Compatibility issues may arise from outdated OS versions or hardware limitations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Installation issues can be due to insufficient storage or network problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Loading issues can be due to app bugs or connectivity problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Feature malfunctions can be due to bugs or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
This is the most dishonest app I've ever dealt with I received an email stating I get $30 off my first three orders from a referral program upon trying to place an order I never got anything off but no nothing showing in my account as to I signed up under a referral I contacted the support and this was the most ignorant and rude company support team I have ever dealt with they literally did not want to hear anything I had to say in regards to my promotion not working and literally hung up on me
i hate the fact drivers will take two deliveries out at once while my food gets cold
Dont spend more then $50.00 drivers will find a way to switch your $100 order with someone else order..shake my head.
App experience is terrible, payment verification is awful, and customer service is horrible
they dont bother fixing mistakes
They've had these updates but still can't fix the app. Anytime I try to hit tue update order feature and add more things it won't go through no matter how many times I click on the update order at check out, it stays on the same screen. Fix this already!
Customer service is horrible. Delivery very clearly made to the wrong address in picture, and they declined it due to a very clearly wrong address picture. Then they can't provide any solutions for 24 hours. Uninstalling and going back to UberEats. Follow up: even after providing pictures of the two different addresses I was refused a refund. Deleted and canceled my dashpass membership. Suggest you do the same.
Those fees should be the driver tip
I will never use door dash again, they have ripped me off for the last time. I ordered some groceries they were otw with my order then it's cancelled so they wouldn't give me the money back said it could be anywhere between 3-10 business days, I don't have it like that I had to feed my kids but couldn't because they wouldn't put it back on my card but I know they put it back in my account if the store doesn't have an item they refund my money back right then but refused it this time, never use.
too many hidden fees, sometimes your order never gets picked up, door dash does not protect your money if something goes wrong. if you do call customer service they don't do anything at the most they'll give you a five dollar voucher just to shut you up but...they don't really do it.