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The apps has some good books but I hate the fact that it costs a fortune just to finish one book where one can only unlock a chapter at time and the book am reading has over 6000 chapters how do you expect someone to spend all that money inorder to finish the book
I promise to make it five stars if you bring back those 2 free ads for unlocking free episodes daily and also return the missing ads from the check in menu I mean the 30 pieces of ads
Able to read for approximately 1 minute before having to pay to continue. No thanks. It's extremely difficult to maintain interest in an otherwise decently written story. I am not rich enough to finish a story while paying dollars a minute.
It is very expensive. I have wasted enough money and not been able to finish one story. I could have went and bought a book for what I spent ...
Costs alot to have terrible grammar, spelling, unfinished stories.
Too costly to continue
Sad, this started great then they want you to pay to read the ending
It does not let you read it. It take me about 3 days to find where it is Then you see ad's, you do jot get the coin till after seeing the ad's.
Said the rest of the chapters were free. Get to chapter14 and says I have to pay with bonuses or whatever. That's not free. That's bs. Free is free. So f off