Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love Problems

Discover and share great beers, breweries, and venues with your friends, while... Show more

Overview: Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love

Discover and share great beers, breweries, and venues with your friends, while earning badges for exploring beers of different styles and countries.
Popular Features:
Discover Nearby Venues

Find nearby venues, events, and beers that you'll love.

Keep Track of Beers

Track the beers you like and create lists for later.

Get Alerts for New Beers

Receive alerts when your favorite venues add new beers.

Find New Venues Anywhere

Discover new venues with great beers, anywhere in the world.

Follow Friends' Beer Choices

Follow your friends and see what beers they're enjoying.

Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love App Troubleshooting Instructions.

If you have problems with Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love, try one of the below solutions:

Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love Reports / Comments

Facing issues with Untappd: Find Beer You'll Love app or have any questions? Share your issues and questions with the community. You can also share your feedback and suggestions. We will try to respond to your comment as soon as possible.

Recent Reports

Dj Hornyak Image
Dj Hornyak 2 months ago

I have always wished the rating would be in increments of .1 instead of .25. Theres been so many beers I'd go in between and would give a more truthful overall rating. Love the app for tracking what I've had but it lacks in realistic review rating. More decibels would give a much more accurate rating. I am constantly in the middle and have ti choose a lesser rating than i want or give a higher one. Such a simple and more realistic fix....

bob bob Image
bob bob 2 months ago

i really dont like it when a app asks for positive reviews. takes me out of it

Andy Cravello Image
Andy Cravello 2 months ago

UNTAPPD is a Liberal, Constitution-hating weak spot in social media and supports U.S. Supreme Law violators

Cory Thorpe Image
Cory Thorpe 2 months ago

Data export is a subscriber only feature, that's all you need to know. If you want YOUR beer ratings held hostage behind a paywall, check out untappd.

Jered McGivern Image
Jered McGivern 2 months ago

What's going on with this app? I get adds and impossible to log into to view a beer menu. Something is terribly wrong. Whatever has been done to this app, please stop.

Mark Horning Image
Mark Horning 2 months ago

2024 update... take that "pride" badge OFF of my account. I do NOT support any pride like this when there are so many more that deserve that label more! Update. Stick to beer, not queer or ANY agenda. I don't appreciate being forced to celebrate social agendas. What goes on behind closed doors should be just that. It has NOTHING to do with the beer. Beer is to be celebrated, not sexual, religious, political or ANY other possibly contentious matter.

Sal Alvarez Image
Sal Alvarez 2 months ago

Like the app, but ads are becoming annoying!!!!!!!!! 😠Aaaaahhhhhhhagghagag🤬

A Google user Image
A Google user 2 months ago

UX is a nightmare. Location is usually wrong even when doing a check-in at a verified venue. And now there's a shop on the front page that doesn't even ship to my country.

Cristo Fernandes Image
Cristo Fernandes 2 months ago

This app used to be a great way to keep track of unique beers with your friends. Then they started putting ads in, product placement while slowing down the apps basic features. Now they are offing a paid tier, that still had ads, trying to double dip on all the money they can make off this! A Shame to see what was such a fun app ruined into almost being unusable

Mark Kiehl Image
Mark Kiehl 2 months ago

I wan the beer currently on tap.

That's all for now. Check Later.
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Recent Update:

Current Version: 4.4.6
Total Downloads: 5,385,746
Ratings: 4.8/5 (261873 Ratings)
Total Reviews: 15897
Update Date: Jul 31, 2024

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