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App crashes can be due to various issues, including software bugs or insufficient device memory. Here’s how to fix it:
Login issues can be caused by incorrect credentials or server problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Slow performance can result from heavy app usage or background processes. Here’s how to speed it up:
Notification issues can arise from misconfigured settings or connectivity problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Update issues can be due to bugs or incomplete installations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Connectivity issues can be due to network problems or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Compatibility issues may arise from outdated OS versions or hardware limitations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Installation issues can be due to insufficient storage or network problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Loading issues can be due to app bugs or connectivity problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Feature malfunctions can be due to bugs or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
They try to pressure you into paid services with 10 minute sales during initial information intake and once you try to contact them, they have a poorly programed automated response with no representatives.
The only difference with other apps, is you can take a photo of food and it looks for you what it thinks it is. (and I don't know if there is other apps to do this, but in 2024 I suppose so). Globally the app is correct, it takes everything you need to track what you eat and rech goals. Bad point for me was the 30 to 45 minutes to answer all questions they ask at the start of the app, no way to avoid it.
Wish you would have been more transparent that this app is not free. I chose to try this app because it said "in app purchases." Typically this implies you're able to use the app, or a basic version of it without needing to purchase anything. I would have never created an account if I knew the only way to use the app was to pay. You should be upfront in regards to fees BEFORE anyone creates an account, not after.
It doesn't have option to add additional meals. Only 3 meals and a snack. For those that eat multiple small meals a day this isn't for you.
I had to put my information and fill everything out four times. Each time I open the app. I can't even sign up. I just keep starting from the beginning
They need to say up front there's no free option. Just did a 10 minute signup only to find out it's not a free app. Now I gotta request my account deleted.
App misrepresented what is included in the premium service. Charges even more money to get full access. Very sketchy.
I got this app for the picture taking calories counting function. it honestly barely works... now I feel obligated to use this app to justify what I paid for it. also in the search food function a LOT of stuff is missing. Other comment, your weight progression curve scales down to 0kg. why?? which means even if you lose weight your weight curve looks more or less flat. Not super encouraging to look at. On the plus side the interface is cute. Would not recommend.
No free anything, have to spend more than 5 mins setting up the account before it tells you that it's a MONTHLY CHARGE!!!!!
Missing the ability to add your own food. The database is lacking quite a lot of ingredients for everyday things like just making a chicken salad sandwich. The options of taking a Pic, barcode, or their database aren't useful for accurate tracking. I ended up trying to get a refund, but Google said no. Hopefully, it improves over the next year.