Europe's most complete campsite colllection - Contains (almost) all European campsites Features:... Show more
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Loved this app but since the last update it just keeps showing "Google play services updating" checked my phone and according to it there are no updates available. If you can help me fix this it'll be a five star app again
It did not work on my new Android. No campgrounds showed at all. After sync
A map filled with shaded A's and nothing to differentiate between them and no info as to facilities isn't a lot of use to a motorhome owner. Or am I missing something?
I tried this, and it seemed to show camp sites in Europe, but not in the U.S.A. I didn't see this in the description of the app. I apologize in advance if I somehow got this wrong.
As I have offline Google maps, and have set this to use their maps, I assumed it would find the offline maps and use them. Not so. Fine if you're in the UK, but useless in France unless you're rich enough to buy loads of data. Glad it didn't cost loads to download.
Maps take much longer to load compared with Google Maps app, and it doesn't appear to cache any maps. A lot of work still needed.