Ascenty is a prominent data center and connectivity provider in Latin America, based in Brazil. Established in 2010, the company focuses on colocation, cloud computing, and managed services, delivering high-performance infrastructure tailored for businesses. Ascenty operates numerous data centers across Brazil and other Latin American countries, offering scalable, reliable solutions for industries such as finance, technology, and telecommunications.
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@MetaMask AscentYield AscentYiel AscentYie AscentYi AscentY Ascent Ascen Asce Asc As A
@footmercato 5/10
@Thiago27021987 @DwightSlayer Essa a storm ascenty, é uma fase que não tinha no original, mas que eles colocaram ela no remake, e pqp fase desgraçada
@Viitoria_Ribas1 É a storm ascenty do Crash 1, tô tentando fazer pegar a relíquia de ouro, que tem conquista pra pegar ela
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Av. João Batista Nunes, 50 - Distrito Industrial Benedito Storani, Vinhedo - SP, 13288-162.