This is a live map of the outage reports for Bimsa. The map is updated in real-time and shows the locations of the outage reports. The darker the color, the more the reports from that location.
@memefess Gumwe bimsa bimkin imni tanmpa pamke ampps
@ElarisAstra @Victor_Alafael the gays kissing????? ON CHRISTMAS??? we are truly blessed.....
didn't know naay side story ang bimsa
#BIMSA 543tl direncinden gelen satışlar ile geçen haftadan bu yana düşmeye devam ediyor, 510tl ortalaması ve 496tl desteğinden alıcı bularak pozitife dönebilir.
@EnginyeriaCiviI @font_mach Bonic retrobament amb company@s de feina i fins i tot amics!!! I merescut homenatge a l'Angel Sanchez i a BIMSA!!!!
Based on your past 3 months experience.