This is a live map of the outage reports for BIOS ME. The map is updated in real-time and shows the locations of the outage reports. The darker the color, the more the reports from that location.
d tanto puntuar bios me cambiaré el ly
@MissKrmn Me recuerda a cuando antes poníamos cosas random asi en las bios, me entro morriña 😂🥹
meu jesus armado os cara resetaram minha bios me laragarma perdido aqui acho q n vo consegui volta p casa
antes de que me funen por algo de estética, que sepan que mis bios me las saco del hoyo (tumblr).
@Naik0601 @VaibhavguptaTF Vt on karo bios me se
Based on your past 3 months experience.