Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., known as Chuden in Japanese, is a utility company that supplies electricity to the central Chūbu region of Honshu Island, Japan. The company provides electricity at 60 Hz, except for a portion of Nagano Prefecture, which uses 50 Hz.
La nave espacial acuática en el famoso Oasis 21 de Nagoya se teñirá de púrpura para simbolizar el 'Mar Púrpura' creado por V, y se publicará un mensaje de feliz cumpleaños en la Torre Mirai de Chubu Electric Power Company, registrada como propiedad cultural tangible nacional,
The METI and the MLIT announced the selection of JERA, a joint venture between the Tokyo Electric Power Group and Chubu Electric Power Company, as the lead company for the project off the coast of Aomori Prefecture in a public call for offshore wind farm operators.
@Official_Chuden たぶん、現場作業員あがりの配電盤民が、契約アンペア数の範囲で使っていても、数字が限度に近づくと「使い過ぎ防止」と称して、わざとスマートメーターでブレーカー落としをしやがります。 起動する時の電力が大きく、つかっている電化製品の寿命を縮める作戦らしいです。
@Official_Chuden 日本選手権優勝楽しみにしてます!
@Official_Chuden あみちゃんお疲れ様です!
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1, Higashi-shincho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 461-8680, JAPAN