This is a live map of the outage reports for Emirates District Cooling (Emicool). The map is updated in real-time and shows the locations of the outage reports. The darker the color, the more the reports from that location.
#Dubai_Investments approves 7.5% cash dividend for H1 2022 after selling 50% equity interest in Emirates District Cooling (#Emicool)
Personal Assistant - Deputy Chief Executive Officer - EMIRATES DISTRICT COOLING (EMICOOL) LLC - August 26, 201...
Marketing Executive - EMIRATES DISTRICT COOLING (EMICOOL) LLC - August 1, 201...
Personal Assistant - Deputy Chief Executive Officer - EMIRATES DISTRICT COOLING (EMICOOL) LLC - July 16, 201...
Senior Auditor - EMIRATES DISTRICT COOLING (EMICOOL) LLC - June 23, 201...
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