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Get answers across thousands of domains instantly with Wolfram|Alpha's vast collection of algorithms and data.
Calculate units and measurements easily with Wolfram|Alpha, such as finding out how many seconds are in a nanocentury.
Compare financial data like APPL vs. MSFT with Wolfram|Alpha to make informed decisions.
Compare nutritional information of different foods like Whopper vs. Big Mac using Wolfram|Alpha.
Enjoy fun trivia questions like finding out how many tennis balls can fit in a Boeing 747 with Wolfram|Alpha.
If you have problems with WolframAlpha Classic, try one of the below solutions:
App crashes can be due to various issues, including software bugs or insufficient device memory. Here’s how to fix it:
Login issues can be caused by incorrect credentials or server problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Slow performance can result from heavy app usage or background processes. Here’s how to speed it up:
Notification issues can arise from misconfigured settings or connectivity problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Update issues can be due to bugs or incomplete installations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Connectivity issues can be due to network problems or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Compatibility issues may arise from outdated OS versions or hardware limitations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Installation issues can be due to insufficient storage or network problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Loading issues can be due to app bugs or connectivity problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Feature malfunctions can be due to bugs or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Definitely unworthy of paying for this app... Many inputs, that aren't purely mathematical, can stump this so called intelligence- not to mention the long waiting times until there's any response to a given prompt... Overall disappointing.
Which wolfram alpha did i pay for? These apps have nearly identical names. One is yellow, and the other is white. I just want the app I purchased.
Weird. My previous review of this app was removed. Anyways here's a new one: the performance of this app has (intentionally?) degraded since their new app and services, which perform the same function with a subscription, came out. I'm definitely not suspicious at all.
Slow. Takes ages to connect to servers, the site (free) is faster. Thanks for making fun of payers
Avoid at all costs. Doesnt provide the users with any results and I am ineligible for any kind of refund.
i thought this app was good so i purchased the pro version but it got so slower than before
Seriously slow. Regularly gets stuck on "Connecting to server" until I close and reopen the app. It's not a network problem. Using my browser wolfram loads fast. My network speeds are good. Its JUST this app.
Why is there no natural math input?? Even the free website has that.
Constantly has server connection issues making it essentially unusable
I tried to open the app today and I got a warning message about not supporting side loading. I didn't side load. I downloaded it from the Play Store. Google shows I've downloaded it. I'm not sure how to fix this. But, it can't be used anymore so it's pretty worthless.