Surplus is the first online marketplace in Indonesia that can enable customers... Show more
If you have problems with Surplus - Food Rescue App, try one of the below solutions:
App crashes can be due to various issues, including software bugs or insufficient device memory. Here’s how to fix it:
Login issues can be caused by incorrect credentials or server problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Slow performance can result from heavy app usage or background processes. Here’s how to speed it up:
Notification issues can arise from misconfigured settings or connectivity problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Update issues can be due to bugs or incomplete installations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Connectivity issues can be due to network problems or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Compatibility issues may arise from outdated OS versions or hardware limitations. Here’s how to resolve it:
Installation issues can be due to insufficient storage or network problems. Here’s how to fix it:
Loading issues can be due to app bugs or connectivity problems. Here’s how to resolve it:
Feature malfunctions can be due to bugs or app settings. Here’s how to fix it:
Sumpah gak banget, inimah kayak beli makanan di gojek or grab biasa. Terus saya pesan makanan jam 10 malem, ternyata tutup dong restonya. Dan gak bisa dicancel, padahal bisa diorder sampe jam 12 malem. Terus sampe 4 driver ganti, kasian bgt. Sampe petugas restonya harus balik jam 12 malem buat ngelayanin orderan saya. Langsung uninstall app lah. CSnya pun gak bisa dihubungi. Ini mah ide bisnis bagus eksekusi berantakan.
gak bisa buat akun, dah daftar gak di send codenya
Cukup lama aplikasi ini gakepake. karena di malang gaada sama sekali merchantnya yg jual. jadi mending uninstall aja deh
Buggy banget. Daftar gk bs krn email sudah terdaftar tetapi belum terverifikasi. Login gk bs krn email belum terdaftar. Kalau solusinya harus pake email lain itu sama aja gak ada solusi karena yang error database server nya, bukan sisi user nya.
Saya coba untuk pergi ambil sendiri, dari pihak merchant mengabarkan kalau pihak surplus yang salah mendaftarkan alamat diaplikasi, saya memilih untuk di cancel saja dikarenakan alamat yang baru sangat jauh dari alamat awal Saya menghubungi pihak surplus melalui WhatsApp pukul 1 siang, hanya centang 1, dibalas kemudian saya jelaskan kronologi nya, sampai malam tidak ada balasan, hanya centang 1 sampai keesokan paginya Tiba² status pemesanan sudah selesai, dan pihak surplus tidak bisa dihubungi
Mau selamatkan makanan apa ?
Restaurants put a normal price. No cuts, so what's the difference with Gojek/Grab Food?
Fake, semua harganya tetap harga asli bukan harga untuk makanan sisa
kebijakan privasai dan S&K tidak bisa jadi daftar. uninstall.
Love the idea of the app; however, restaurants are pricing their menus at twice the usual/dine-in rate, which defeats the purpose of attracting customers to "save" food waste at discounted price. I hope the Surplus team will implement some sort of verification on their merchants' pricing menus.