The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is a registered trade union and professional organization in the United Kingdom for those in the nursing profession. Established in 1916 as the College of Nursing, it received its royal charter in 1928. Queen Elizabeth II served as patron until her death in 2022, and King Charles III became patron in 2024, continuing the royal association.
@MichelleWelshMP @theRCN Keep the good good work going
@EuropeanPowell ⚠️⤴️ 🆘️ 💙@keepnhspublic @We_OwnIt @allthecitizens @danielgoyal @theRCN @SocialistNHS @EveryDoctorUK @TheBMA @BestForBritain @euromove @The_TUC @etuc_ces @guardian @DailyMirror @BylineTimes
Esos participantes para la casa de los famosos, están muy malos. #LaCasaDeLosFamososCol #Rcn
@Unmuro_1155 Nada de libreto ni de #RCN. Por si acaso, mis hijas, mis nietos y yo votamos por @petrogustavo, pero no por eso debemosdecir que TODO es perfecto ¿YA?
#RenationaliseTheNHS #capitalism #wesstreeting #LabourParty #KeirStarmer #RedTories #BMA #JuniorDoctorsStrike #seniordoctorsstrike #RCN #NursesStrike #strikes #striking #coordinatetheaction #strikingworks #unions #newworkersparty #tradeunions #tradeunionism #TUSC
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RCN London, 5th Floor, 20 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0RN