ITV, officially known as Channel 3, is a British free-to-air public broadcast television network. In most of the UK, it is branded as ITV1, but in central and northern Scotland, it is known as STV. Launched in 1955 as Independent Television, ITV was established to offer competition to the BBC, which had held a monopoly with BBC Television since 1936.
@RogerV52 @ArchRose90 Let's see . CNN, Fox News , sky news, BBC news. Channel 4 news . ITV news , Msnbc, NPR, Newsmax, CBS news . Naming a few on left and right of politics.
@acotswoldvoice @1968Tv TBH I'd love to see ITV bring back regional channels. Then it WOULD work.
@stergio1878 @ITVX We appreciate your input! If there's anything else we can do to help feel free to get back in touch. We want to try and improve ITVX as a platform and our customer service as best as possible.
@Chiku_Tweetz Yes man so true after all its itv😭
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