Kinopoisk (Russian: Кинопоиск), a blend of "cinema" and "search," is a comprehensive Russian online database that offers detailed information about films and TV shows. This platform features data on cast and crew, biographies, plot summaries, ratings, and user reviews, making it a valuable resource for cinema enthusiasts and professionals alike
Kinopoisk har yilni oxirida chiqaradigan yilni qanday eslab qolamiz degan 3daqiqlik videolari shedevr bo'ladi.
Censorship of LGBTQ+ Scenes in Russia🧵 1/ Russian streaming platform Kinopoisk censored Oliver Stone's film Alexander by removing scenes that reference Alexander the Great's gay relationships. Dialogues with his friend and his mother discussing his love life are gone. (1/8)
@eu_java_guru Для меня ВК умер еще до ковида, когда десятки друзей просто переехали в инсту, телегу и дискорд. А после 22 он стал ватопомойкой. По настоящему грусная история это с Яндексом. Все понимаю, но убить яндекс музыку и hd kinopoisk из зигомета это реально боль.
@barbmine that's the reason i dont pay for kinopoisk and just... searching series and films free like wdym i need to pay more for watching films that i already paid for
@makhmasobirova @tolib_001 Uni youtubega to’liq qo’yishmaydida, Kinopoisk Germaniyada ishlamaydi ko’ray desam
Based on your past 3 months experience.