This is a live map of the outage reports for Rocketwerkz. The map is updated in real-time and shows the locations of the outage reports. The darker the color, the more the reports from that location.
@rocket2guns @rocketwerkz What game is this
なおこれとは別にKitten Space Agencyというのもあります。こちらはDayZ、ICARUSなどで知られるディーン・ホールが興したRocketWerkzという会社が開発を進めているもので、こちらは来年初頭にクローズドベータテストを実施、同年中頃に公開を目指しているようです。
@FabVultaggio Hopefully that’s what RocketWerkz cooks up if they follow their original plan for KSP2
@ThEfOuRiNCHfOx @rocketwerkz you hearin this LOL
@rocket2guns @rocketwerkz Ain’t no way you’ll make a game better than a modded KSP1. But if you can prove me wrong, I’ll give you my money.
Based on your past 3 months experience.