Stormind Games is an Italian video game development studio, established in 2016, known for its expertise in narrative-driven and survival horror games. The studio rose to prominence with critically acclaimed titles such as Remothered: Tormented Fathers and Remothered: Broken Porcelain. Stormind Games is dedicated to creating immersive, emotionally impactful experiences that resonate with players through their storytelling and atmospheric design.
Saber Interactive e Stormind Games revelaram um novo recurso para o aguardado jogo A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead. Inspirado na franquia de filmes Um Lugar Silencioso, o game para um jogador promete uma experiência aterrorizante ao incluir a "Detecção de RuÃdo via Microfone".
Developed by Stormind Games and set to launch on October 17 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X and S,
@stormindgames This is amazing! God I’m excited for this, can not wait!
I’m not joking they should make a Twister game but have Stormind Games make it
@SaberGames @stormindgames @AQuietPlaceGame #AQuietPlace #TheRoadAhead #PC #PCgaming #PlayStation #PS5 #PlayStation5 #Xbox #XboxSeriesX #XboxSeriesS #gaming
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Via Sclafani, 40/B, 95024 Acireale CT, Italy.