TIM Internet Reports & Customer Service

 TIM is the largest telecommunications company in Italy, with its headquarters in Rome, Milan, and Naples. Established in 1994 through the merger of several state-owned telecommunications firms, including SIP, which was the former state monopoly telephone operator, TIM provides fixed telephony, DSL data services, and internet services. 

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oʃǝdʃɐɯpǝᴚ Image

@TIM_Official Vi ho contattato tramite app e mi avete ricontattato telefonicamente dalla Romania. Vi scrivo in privato?

tommi | blu¹ era Image

@TIM_Official @Giorgia ❤️

sofia Image
sofia 3 hours ago

@TIM_Official @Giorgia u n i c a ⭐️

Nicola Image
Nicola 3 hours ago

@TIM_Official @TIM_Official È assurdo che un cliente debba cercare soluzioni per giorni senza risposta. Paghiamo per un servizio che non funziona e per un’assistenza che non risolve nulla. Esigo una soluzione immediata e definitiva. Basta scuse. #TIMDisservizio #AssistenzaTIM

Tim Image
Tim 3 hours ago

@gavinesler Bourgeois lefty with ‘Islington bubble superiority complex’ looking for friends 😂

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