Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TGTRANSCO) came into existence on June 2, 2014 along with the formation of the new state -Telangana
@IsralMutombo11 Le train urbain est comparable au transco Ex : 1 taxi =5 personnes / 1 transo= 60 personnes donc un bus = 12 taxi mais malheureusement on a plus des bus aussi et une solution repose sur le feu de circulation 🚦 nos roulages sont pas synchronisés qui crée un désordre parfois
@GervinTwittiot @TexanTeaTv Transco Tower
@chosensomto In Dec 2021 I was in a meeting in Transco Hilton Hotel in Abuja where 98% of those in attendance supported Atiku picking a governor from the south south instead of Peter Obi as his Vice President. If Peter Obi has remained in PDP Atiku won't have picked him as his VP for 2023
@OMELONGA_LENS1 @bembajp Bemba au ministère de La Défense nous avons perdus bunagana, sake…… bemba au transport 60 bus transco calcinés , naufrage au lac Kivu , au fleuve Congo , Congo Airways en faillite, et les embouteillages
@AleshOfficiel @bembajp Naza na ministre azo kanga photo ya Transco na victoire
Based on your past 3 months experience.